Your Own Indoor Herb Kitchen Garden

It’s so easy to set up an indoor herb kitchen garden because so many culinary herbs are well suited to growing both indoors and in recycled containers. Your ability to grow veggies in your organic kitchen garden starts with only a few simple recycled materials and the simple will to feed your family only the finest organic foods grown fresh in your designed kitchen garden.

Here are six easy to grow herbs without even trying; chives, thyme, mints, French tarragon, sweet marjoram and sage. As well, also think seriously about growing your own parsley, rosemary, nasturtiums and basil. So which ones do you plant and how do you grow them? It really depends firstly on which ones you would like to grow, how much you use of one or the other and then your budget, and of course the amount of well lit space you have.

The high tech “A-Garden” type with its own lights and gadgetry is great and really works well (you know the one it’s advertised on TV everywhere), but it’s not cheap and not very big. Whereas, at the other end of the budget is a set of recycled pots and containers with seedlings and your sunny windowsill, planter box or sunroom.

Something in-between these two extremes are the compartmentalised pots like the “strawberry pot”, which is also great. Also in the middle are the grow veggies kit forms where you just add water and place in a sunny position and look after for a period of a few weeks. These are also absolutely great for those limited to space for your kitchen garden.

I personally do not recommend planting different herbs in the one single pot as the competition for growing space problems far outweighs the advantages of individual containers. If you do use the compartmentalised pots then try to mix the same general types of herbs together for the re-growth habits, height and moisture requirements.

The important thing is light, whether natural or artificial. Adequate light is essential to growing good herbs and veggies. If you don’t have enough natural light then you’ll need to supplement it with artificial light.

Why not consider making your own tiered shelving with its own lighting? I’ve seen it done and its particularly good in climates where it’s dark for much of the year but indoors is continually nice and warm; or even consider using a skylight or solar tube, another inexpensive method of free natural lighting.

If you have a well-lit patio or sunroom where you grow dwarf fruit trees in containers (citrus, stone-fruits or pomegranates etc) then you can plant perennial herbs in the same pots with them such as rosemary, mints etc.